Tutoring Service for Sale
The Deal Franz Cornelsen Education Group sold Studienkreis to Aurelius. The sale, which is still subject to the approval of the respective anti-trust authorities, enables Cornelsen to focus on its core business. The transaction includes the three companies Studienkreis GmbH, Studienkreis Partnersysteme and people online GmbH, which are headquartered in Bocum, Germany. IEG – Investment Banking Group organized the international sales process as exclusive M&A advisor to Franz Cornelsen Education Group. During the transaction process, IEG was handling the analysis of process options available and the optimum selling strategy, the valuation of assets and activities for sale as well as the coordination and management of the entire process.
The Client The Franz Cornelsen Bildungsgruppe (Franz Cornelsen Education Group) is one of Germany's largest publishing concerns and providers of learning services, creating and distributing educational materials for a market which extends from pre-school education to vocational training. The publishing programmes of the individual companies in the group are coordinated such that the group is today able to offer the ideal educational material for every learning situation. The group is, furthermore, active beyond Germany's borders.